Welcome to the last month of your Year of Personal Branding, where I’ve broken down key branding concepts as part of a month-by-month guide to help you with each step of growing (and implementing) your personal brand. As always, I invite you to use these monthly Year of Personal Branding posts as a map that will allow you to navigate all aspects of personal branding.
Another year is coming to a close. This December, we’ll take a step back and reflect on the state of your personal brand. Through these posts, I hope I’ve demonstrated that your personal brand is a total picture of how others see you and what you represent, not just the product you’ve created or the position you fill. It’s about the person behind the product or position…and their personal story. It’s about what makes them unique, compelling and memorable.

Image: iStock
During this year you have been, hopefully, living and working more consciously with your personal brand in mind. Of course, there will have been failures and setbacks and even things you completely forgotten about. However, a personal brand is always a work in progress. Here’s a quick inventory to help you reflect on the state of your brand this year:
Your Inner Brand
- Over this past year, think about how you may have been perceived by others. What three words would your clients and/or co-workers use to describe you? Your boss? Your family? Your friends? Others in your the community?
- What accomplishments over the past year set you apart from others?
- Who where your biggest influences or inspirations?
- What unique traits or strengths did you discover about yourself?
- What did you feel most passionate about (work or personal)?
- Were there times when you shined, or you felt you were at your personal best?
- Which world events or personal causes in 2018 moved you the most?
- Who has supported you this year?
- Who has been a distraction or drain?
- What weaknesses would you like to make less relevant?
- What personal values were the strongest?
- Did you accomplish the professional and/or personal goals you set for yourself this year?
- Did you feel good about your answer when people asked “what do you do”?
Your Outer Brand
- Do you feel you “looked the part” in 2018? Did your personal style accurately reflect the image you intended to project?
- Overall, do you feel you had a sense of presence when you walked into a room?
- How would you describe your overall level of assertiveness and ability to effectively communicate?
- Did your lifestyle (home, leisure, health) over the past year align with the image you intended to project?
- Did you effectively communicate your personal brand to a wider audience, including engaging in social media and promoting your online presence?
Bearing these answers in mind, what new actions are you doing to take next year to help your brand strengthen and sparkle?
I hope you’ve found this segment of your Year in Personal Branding useful.
And remember…
HAPPY NEW YEAR from all of us at Golden Notebook!